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March 20, 2018. Ryan Calo, Lane Powell and D. Wayne Gittinger Associate Professor at the University of Washington School of Law, faculty co-director of the University of Washington Tech Policy Lab, a unique, interdisciplinary research unit that spans the
A Decade of Drones in America
February 22, 2017. Michael Missal, Inspector General of the Department of Veterans Affairs.
"Watchdog of the Department of Veterans Affairs: Ensuring Effective Services for Veterans and Proper Spending of Taxpayer Dollars."
September 28, 2016. Talmage Boston presents his soon-to-be-released book titled, "Cross-Examining History: A Lawyer Gets Answers From the Experts About America's Presidents" as a part of The Discussion on Governance Lecture Series.
"Cross-Examining History: A Lawyer Gets Answers From the Experts About Our Presidents."
March 31, 2016. William Generett Jr., J.D. President and CEO of Urban Innovation21 presented the Discussions on Governance Lecture Series.
"Public-Private Partnerships: The Best Governance Structure to Create Transformation Change.”
January 28, 2016. Fred Thieman, President of the Buhl Foundation presents "The Discussions on Governance Lecture Series."
“Ethics, Citizenship and Governance:  Can we fix the Criminal Justice System for the 21st Century?”
April 9, 2015. Discussions on Governance Lecture Series featuring author David O. Stewart.
"Madison's Gift: Five Partnerships that Built America"
DECEMBER 4, 2014. The Discussions on Governance Lecture Series presents, “Anticipating and Meeting Accountability Challenges.”
Gene L. Dodaro, Comptroller General of the U.S. and head of the U.S. Government Accountability Office.
NOVEMBER 20, 2014 The Discussions on Governance Lecture Series presents, "Lincoln and his Leadership."
James A. Getty, President Lincoln Portrayer
NOVEMBER 13, 2014 The Discussions on Governance Lecture Series presents: "The Challenges and Promise of Democratic Governance in Asia."
David Arnold, President of the Asia Foundation
September 24, 2013 -Stephen Zimmermann, Director of Operations for the World Bank Integrity Vice- Presidency (INT).
Discussions on Governance