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Governor and Mrs. Dick Thornburgh received the Edna Silberman Humanitarian Award

Governor and Mrs. Dick Thornburgh received the Edna Silberman Humanitarian Award for their dedicated service and advocacy in creating opportunities for individuals with disabilities. The Edna Silberman Humanitarian Award is Keystone Human Services’ highest honor and was presented to the Thornburghs at Keystone’s 39th Annual Meeting on November 3, 2011.

Keystone’s highest honor, this annual award is presented to outstanding citizens who have made a significant contribution to individuals, our community and to Keystone Human Services. Recognized for their role in making Keystone’s vision real in the lives of others, the Thornburghs are being honored for going above and beyond to serve vulnerable populations and “Advance the Human Spirit.”

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The Edna Silberman Humanitarian Award is Keystone Human Services’ highest honor and was presented to the Thornburghs at Keystone’s 39th Annual Meeting on November 3, 2011.
Governor and Mrs. Ginny Thornburgh and their son, Peter Thornburgh.