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Awards and Grants

Project title:  "The Efficacy of Empathy in Legislation: Dick Thornburgh's Contribution to the Enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act."
Project title of study:  "A Holistic Evaluation of Pennsyvania's Language Access Plan."
Project title of study:  "Responses to Three Miles Island:  How Public Officials Kept Pennsylvania Together After this Nuclear Incident."
Project title of study:  "The War on Drugs through Educational and Juvenile Justice Reform."
Project title of study:  "Crime in the Suites:  Prosecution of Financial Institution Fraud by the Department of Justice 1988-1991"
Project title of study:  "An Analysis of Reform: Crime Control and Prevention under the Allegheny County Regional Planning Committee, 1969-1972.
Project title of study:   "Investigating Effective Growth Policies: An Application of Pennsylvania's Economic Policy of the 1980's to Today's Economy."
Project title of study: “Powering Pennsylvania™s Future”
Project title of study:  “Public Responses to the Three Mile Island Crisis Management under Governor Dick Thornburgh.”
Project title of study: “Nuclear Utility Companies Liability."